I've been absolutely horrible with updating my blog over the last month. I've been working as a photo intern at The Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design documenting the activities and work produced by the Pre College students and the Creative Educators Institute courses that run through July.

© Emily E. Johnson
I've had the opportunity to spend some time with Jon Horvath's photography students, and accompanied them on a trip to Sonja Thomsen's studio to engage in a critique of her new body of work, which was really beneficial to the students' experience here.

© Kyle Putney
I'm really blown away by the work the students have been producing during their time at MIAD. Including work by Maddy Profio and Kyle Putney (who we're all trying to convince to be a photo major at MIAD next year instead of Time Based Media)!

Go check out more of their work, as well as the rest of Jon's photo majors on their blog: Miad Pre College Photo Majors '11